[MacBook] Re: SSD


If anyone is interested I can go down on the price and repost it for a cheaper price just for a group member!! Let me know and I will post it and send you the link in a private email

--- In macbook@yahoogroups.com, Anthony Smith <anthonysmith1288@...> wrote:
> I am selling a brand new 128GB SSD on Amazon and private for ship for $160
> if anyone is interested here is the link!!
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B003Z6Q8Y8/sr=/qid=/ref=olp_tab_used?ie=UTF8&coliid=&me=&qid=&sr=&seller=&colid=&condition=used
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[MacBook] SSD


I am selling a brand new 128GB SSD on Amazon and private for ship for $160
if anyone is interested here is the link!!


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[MacBook] Finally given in to the world of Apple



As a PC user for many years I've finally succumbed to the allure of Apple computing with the purchase of an iPAD 2. To be honest I haven't been totally faithful to the PC because I've had an iPOD for quite some time but I don't count that since I only use it for my music.

Hope to join in the discussions here now,


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