[MacBook] Re: Getting OS 10.7?


--- In macbook@yahoogroups.com, Glenn Gutierrez <yah@...> wrote:
> On 24 Jun 2012, at 9:45 PM, Carol wrote:
> > Thank you folx. I tried App Store today and was able to download OS 10.7.4.
> > BUT -- now a lot of my applications don't work, especially Eudora, which I have used for mail since 1998. I tried Mail, but it won't let me send mail. Can someone tell me where to get info on Mail? Or better yet, a mail program similar to Eudora that works with 10.7.4?
> > Also Firefox basically doesn't work now. It has been my main browser and all my bookmarks are there. HELP!
> Unfortunately, Eudora is so old that it has been running under PowerPC emulation (Rosetta) since you switched to an Intel Mac. With OS X Lion, Apple finally cut that cord. Emulation for PowerPC apps is no longer available.
> I was a Eudora user as well. The switch to Apple Mail was actually not so bad. I love it now. I used "Eudora Mailbox Cleaner" to do the conversion when it was clear that Eudora was abandoned (years ago). That's another PowerPC app, however. D'oh! But I believe Apple Mail may have some of its own conversion routines built-in now. Some of the Eudora folks were working on a skin to make Mozilla Thunderbird more like Eudora, but these are the same people that abandoned Eudora in the first place, after milking "subscription" payments out of loyal users (including me) with zero updates, so I decided not to trust that group anymore.

Thank you but I like to manage my mail in Verizon webmail so I can get rid of spam etc. before downloading it to my Mac. "Mail" seems to have all my mail right away, so I don't have that safety feature. Downloading to Eudora cleared out the Verizon webmail mailbox, but "Mail" doesn't, so the Verizon mailbox is a mess now. Since I can't send mail from "Mail" I need to use the Verizon site now, and I use it when I'm on the road. So basically I'll need to do all the work of culling and deleting twice.

> Regarding Apple Mail not sending email, that's not so easy to diagnose without seeing it. If you can receive email ok, but just cannot send, then you probably don't have the outgoing server setup properly. If you are using IMAP, that shouldn't happen. If you are using POP3 to get your mail, then your SMTP settings need to be checked (correct server, correct port, SSL on/off, authentication, etc.).

Thank you but I don't know how to check these. Tried "Mail Help" but it doesn't help.

When I try to send mail, "Mail" says "Cannot send message using the server outgoing.verizon.net." It says to choose another from the list of servers but that's the only one on the list. Can you suggest others to try?

> Many "if's" already. That may be worth a trip to an Apple store.

This whole mess started because I got an iPad to use on a trip I'm taking very soon now. I don't have time to find an Apple store. I wish Apple had told me "If you get 10.7, these applications won't work any more."

> Or if possible, set up the account(s) fresh, and let the Mail app assist as much as it can. The app has a lot of auto-setup for most large services, and since it's so common, your mail provider may even have specific setup instructions for Apple Mail.

Not sure what you mean by "set up the account fresh." I'm at https://support.apple.com/kb/HT1277 and tried "Add Account" but "Mail" says my account already has this host name and user name.

> The good news: Firefox is completely up to date. I'd guess that you got stuck on an old PowerPC timeline that never auto-updated--for good reason. Just go and grab the latest Intel version at http://getfirefox.com/

That worked, at least. I run Software Update every week and thought it was keeping up on Firefox but apparently not.

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[MacBook] Re: Getting OS 10.7?


--- In macbook@yahoogroups.com, Glenn Gutierrez <yah@...> wrote:
> On 24 Jun 2012, at 9:45 PM, Carol wrote:
> > Thank you folx. I tried App Store today and was able to download OS 10.7.4.
> > BUT -- now a lot of my applications don't work, especially Eudora, which I have used for mail since 1998. I tried Mail, but it won't let me send mail. Can someone tell me where to get info on Mail? Or better yet, a mail program similar to Eudora that works with 10.7.4?
> > Also Firefox basically doesn't work now. It has been my main browser and all my bookmarks are there. HELP!
> Unfortunately, Eudora is so old that it has been running under PowerPC emulation (Rosetta) since you switched to an Intel Mac. With OS X Lion, Apple finally cut that cord. Emulation for PowerPC apps is no longer available.
> I was a Eudora user as well. The switch to Apple Mail was actually not so bad. I love it now. I used "Eudora Mailbox Cleaner" to do the conversion when it was clear that Eudora was abandoned (years ago). That's another PowerPC app, however. D'oh! But I believe Apple Mail may have some of its own conversion routines built-in now. Some of the Eudora folks were working on a skin to make Mozilla Thunderbird more like Eudora, but these are the same people that abandoned Eudora in the first place, after milking "subscription" payments out of loyal users (including me) with zero updates, so I decided not to trust that group anymore.

Thank you but I like to manage my mail in Verizon webmail so I can get rid of spam etc. before downloading it to my Mac. "Mail" seems to have all my mail right away, so I don't have that safety feature. Downloading to Eudora cleared out the Verizon webmail mailbox, but "Mail" doesn't, so the Verizon mailbox is a mess now. Since I can't send mail from "Mail" I need to use the Verizon site now, and I use it when I'm on the road. So basically I'll need to do all the work of culling and deleting twice.

> Regarding Apple Mail not sending email, that's not so easy to diagnose without seeing it. If you can receive email ok, but just cannot send, then you probably don't have the outgoing server setup properly. If you are using IMAP, that shouldn't happen. If you are using POP3 to get your mail, then your SMTP settings need to be checked (correct server, correct port, SSL on/off, authentication, etc.).

Thank you but I don't know how to check these. Tried "Mail Help" but it doesn't help.

When I try to send mail, "Mail" says "Cannot send message using the server outgoing.verizon.net." It says to choose another from the list of servers but that's the only one on the list. Can you suggest others to try?

> Many "if's" already. That may be worth a trip to an Apple store.

This whole mess started because I got an iPad to use on a trip I'm taking very soon now. I don't have time to find an Apple store. I wish Apple had told me "If you get 10.7, these applications won't work any more."

> Or if possible, set up the account(s) fresh, and let the Mail app assist as much as it can. The app has a lot of auto-setup for most large services, and since it's so common, your mail provider may even have specific setup instructions for Apple Mail.

Not sure what you mean by "set up the account fresh." I'm at https://support.apple.com/kb/HT1277 and tried "Add Account" but "Mail" says my account already has this host name and user name.

> The good news: Firefox is completely up to date. I'd guess that you got stuck on an old PowerPC timeline that never auto-updated--for good reason. Just go and grab the latest Intel version at http://getfirefox.com/

That worked, at least. I run Software Update every week and thought it was keeping up on Firefox but apparently not.

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